High-Quality Liquid Flow Control Valve for Systematic Flow of Liquids

The function of a control valve is to regulate the liquids’ flow rate through pipelines in a system. And this achieved by putting a valve in the liquid flow’s path. It typically provides resistance to the liquid flow, where process control restrains the flow and resistance by a signal. This signal is actually borrowed from the sensors in a plant. We must note here that when a manufacturer supplies a control valve, he attaches it to an actuator which utilizes this control signal for activating the ultimate control component. The various kinds of valves are classified by a connection between the flow rate through a valve and the position of a valve stem. 3 prime kinds of valves depending on the connection between the flow rate and stem position are Equal Percentage, Linear, and Quick Opening. The connection between the stem position at a stable pressure drop and the flow rate through a valve is known as the Inherent Valve features. The connection between the stem position for ...