Flow Meters for Maintaining Temperature
Proteus Industries provides a reliable flow measurement solution to any oil, gas, liquid or steam operation. The quality of our flow meters can truly be seen at gathering facilities where a custody transfer of millions of gallons of products is required for transfer from one place to another on a daily schedule. An example of this is crude oil. A gathering station pumps up to 10,000 gallons of crude oil every minute. If a flow meter had a measurement error of just 0.02%, it will result in a loss of 68 barrels every day. A single barrel costs $40, so this will translate to a loss of $1 million every year. Taking steps to ensure that you are getting a reliable flow measurement solution is key to avoiding disastrous mistakes. One of accomplishing this is by taking steps to prevent measurement inaccuracy. This can be achieved by ensuring that instrumentation is calibrated properly before it enters operation. In today’s market, companies have access to numerous types of measur...