Best Practices for Calibrating Your Flow Meter

A flow meter is a special device that measures the amount of gas or quantity of liquid or its flow rate moving through the pipe. Too little or too much gas or liquid flowing through the pipe may result in the malfunctioning of the machine. There are specific best practices that need to be implemented to receive the most accurate results from your flow meter. These five best practices for calibrating flow meter are:

1: Calibration Standard

Proper calibration depends on a standard that is accurate. Thus, the calibration has to be even more precise than the flow meter it will measure. According to industry standards, the rule of thumb regarding calibration standard is, that it has to be four times more correct than the flowmeter that is tested. However, this rule of thumb may adapt depending upon specific requirements of the test.

2: Traceability

This best practice is an important and necessary form of documentation. It measures the standard as per which the flowmeter is calibrated. The standard used to calibrate your flow meter should be traceable to one that is recognized within the industry. Doing so helps to authenticate that the calibration system is capable of accurately calibrating the flow meter.

3: Rate of Flow

As a rule, the flow rate between the flow meter and the calibrator has to be consistent. Since calibration readings are actuated in real time based on the flow received from the flow meter, the flow must be constant to obtain a sound reading. 

4: Consistent Measuring
Apart from evaluating calibration methods, the flow meter needs to be examined to ensure the absence of significant issues that may alter the accuracy of measurement.

5: Simulation

When the calibration test is being performed, efforts should be taken to ensure that the same conditions should be maintained as when the flow meter operates. There are specific factors, which can influence how a flow meter will operate. These are: 
  • Density 
  • Viscocity
  • Electronic interference
  • Heat content of the gas or liquid measured
  • Flow disturbances at the site
  • Vibrations
By adhering to the five best practices mentioned above: maintaining calibration standards, traceability, simulation, consistent measuring by an accredited professional and rate of flow, you will ensure that your flow meter is giving out accurate measurements.



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