Difference between Flow Meters and Flow Transmitters
Before we understand the difference between a flow transmitter and a flow meter, let us know their need. Both these devices are used to measure the flow of liquid or gas. Today, in industrial processes, there is a necessity to regulate the flow of fluid or gas. So, the primary purpose of such devices is for process control. Now that we have that cleared up. What is a flow meter and nozzle ? Flow meters and nozzles are devices used to measure the flow of liquid or gas as they pass through pipes. It is a piece of engineering equipment that measures, monitors, and record the flow rate, discharge, or pressure of liquid and gasses. There are various types of flow meters – differential pressure flow meters, positive displacement flow meters, open channel flow meters, and electromagnetic flow meter. What is a flow transmitter? A flow transmitter is similar to the flow meter with the difference that it has electronics inside the pipe to provide electrical output in...